

Welcome to Your Small Business IT Department!

Hello! I’m Tim Lorge. For the past thirty-plus years, I’ve helped organizations of all sizes develop, run, maintain, and upgrade their IT systems. These include startups, small, medium, and large businesses, non-profits, and even the public sector.

I’ve built networks from the ground up, run mission-critical systems, designed and implemented upgrade plans, developed websites, written documentation, and developed and performed training seminars. You name it; I’ve done it.

However, lately, I’ve seen many solopreneurs and entrepreneurs working with too many bits and bobs. There’s the free email address here, maybe a disconnected website, a smattering of documents created on one or many disparate websites, stored in a jumbled mess in the cloud somewhere. Oh, and let’s not forget all the apps that are so easy to install and forget.

While all these bits and bobs are tremendously helpful in and of themselves, they quickly add up to become a baffling, incoherent, and perplexing mess!

I didn’t have to look far to see these solopreneurs and entrepreneurs in techno hell! I wonder how much money they are losing.

Does any of this sound familiar?

The real shame is that with just a little time, their IT could be sorted and streamlined, which would, in turn, take their business to the next level.

That, in a nutshell, is why I started Your Small Biz IT Department.

We live in the most amazing time in history. Technology is relatively cheap and easy to acquire, and it is not going away. Technophobia, or, more correctly, techno-ambivalence, is not an option.

The problem is without a plan and proper guidance, you end up with a jumbled mess which causes you to lose money.

My mission here is to help you organize the IT in your business so you can clean up the jumbled mess, get organized, and grow your business faster than you ever thought possible.

So, I invite you to grab a cup of your favorite beverage and dive in!

Essential Skills for Managing Your Own IT Needs

Having a basic understanding of IT is becoming increasingly important. Whether you are a small business owner or a tech-savvy individual, managing your IT needs can save you time, money, and frustration.

PLEASE NOTE: I’m about to rattle off a bunch of stuff. If you don’t understand what any of this is, don’t worry. I’ll have additional articles that will explain all of this.

This starts by knowing the different components of a computer, such as the CPU, RAM, and hard drive, and how they work together. It is also important to be familiar with different operating systems, such as Windows and MacOS,

Next, understanding computer networking basics is essential. The starting point is understanding how devices connect to the Internet and to each other and the different types of networks, such as Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs), at a conceptual level. You don’t really need to go beyond that.

Another important skill for managing your own IT needs is knowing how to back up and protect your personal, business, and sensitive information. With the increasing threat of cyber-attacks and data breaches, it is crucial to have a backup plan in case of a disaster. This includes regularly backing up your data to an external hard drive and cloud storage, as well as implementing security measures such as firewalls and antivirus software. By taking these precautions, you can protect your important files and information from being lost or compromised.

Stick with me. It can be done easily, and you can do it.

In addition to technical skills, good problem-solving and critical thinking skills are essential for managing your IT needs. You own your own business, so you already have these skills. We just need to add a couple of tools to your toolbox, and we will.

At this point in the article, I’m supposed to write about the importance of staying current with the latest technology, software updates, security patches, and emerging technologies.

You don’t.

Yes, technology is constantly evolving, and new problems and challenges arise all the time. But, and this is a big but, everything you need to know about your software is on your software vendor’s website. When you sign-up, they will email you updates on how to better use their products constantly.

You will come across websites that provide helpful informationā€”kinda… Like this one. šŸ˜ But the long and short of it is, you won’t need to go to all this extra effort to stay in the loop. The information will find you. Sorry to be so zen, but it will.

When necessary, being able to think critically and troubleshoot issues on your own can save you time and money and give you a sense of accomplishment. It is also important to be patient and persistent when facing technical problems, since they may not always have a straightforward solution. You will get there.

Lastly, your good communication skills are important for managing your own IT needs. This includes clearly articulating technical issues to others and asking for help when needed. Communicating effectively with technical support teams is also important since they can provide valuable assistance and guidance when facing complex issues.

Being your own IT department simply requires adding a few new tools to your toolbox. Simply combine some technical skills with your current problem-solving abilities and willingness to learn and adapt. You can effectively manage your IT needs by adding a basic understanding of computer hardware and software, networking, data backup, and security.

With the ever-increasing reliance on technology, these skills are becoming increasingly essential for individuals and businesses alike. So don’t be afraid to take on the challenge and become your own IT department ā€“ you may just surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.

How to Be Your Own IT Department

IT Secret #1 – You, CIO … You can do it

Technology plays a crucial role in managing work-life balance for today’s solo, small business owners. From managing customer emails and documents to staying connected with family, friends, and colleagues, we rely heavily on technology to keep us organized and efficient.

In some respects, you are already are your own IT department. You have the responsibility of managing your own technology needs. This is perfect when it’s just you, but then the worst thing happens… your business takes off, and you need to hire staff

This may seem daunting initially, but the benefits far outweigh any initial challenges. Let’s take a closer look at some of the advantages of being your own IT department.

First and foremost, being your own IT department gives you complete control over your technology. You no longer have to rely on an external IT support team to troubleshoot issues or changes your systems. This means you can perform updates on your own schedule rather than when a technician is available, typically at some inconvenient time. This level of control can greatly increase your productivity and efficiency.

Another benefit of being your own IT department is cost savings. Hiring an external IT support team can be expensive, especially for small businesses or individuals. By taking on the role yourself, you can save a significant amount of money in the long run. Additionally, you have the freedom to choose which technology and tools to invest in rather than being limited by the preferences of an external IT team.

Yes, you can be your own IT department!

Being your own IT department also allows for a more personalized approach to your technology needs. You know your systems and processes better than anyone else and can tailor your IT solutions to fit your specific needs. This can lead to a more efficient and effective use of technology since it is customized to your unique requirements.

Moreover, being your own IT department can also improve your technical and business skills. As you manage your own technology, you will inevitably learn new skills and better understand how both your IT and business systems work. This, in turn, helps you grow your business faster.

In addition to these practical benefits, being your own IT department can also give you a sense of empowerment and independence. You no longer rely on external support for your technology needs, which can be incredibly empowering. You have the ability to solve problems and make changes on your own, which can boost your confidence and self-sufficiency.

You: Fearless

Of course, running your own IT department has its own set of challenges. It also requires a certain level of fearlessness.

It is often said that one needs to constantly expand one’s technical knowledge and learn and adapt to new technologies. To a certain extent, this is true, but I have a fundamental problem with this statement.

Why? It congers up the idea that you’ll be reading dozens of web pages or, worse, books with hundreds of pages spelling out way too much geek-speak that you don’t care about AND have to do this all the time. Ooo, and if you don’t, you’ll fall behind your competitors!!!!

In reality, you do not need to read mountains of documentation. If you know anyone who works in IT, and if they are honest with you, they’ll tell you they very rarely read the documentation. If they do, it’s to solve one problem in the moment, or they fall down a rabbit hole and come back up with some nugget of fun.

These challenges can be easily overcome with the abundance of online resources and tutorials available.

The great news is technology fundamentally stays the same.

Yes, developers will move stuff around in the interface and use snazzier graphics, but a word processing application is a word processing application. For example, Microsoft Office hasn’t changed much since 2007.

What does change is what’s buzzy. It’s the stuff tech companies market and journos, bloggers, and other people write about simply because they have a deadline.

Our job at is to help you eliminate the buzzing noise, become your own IT department, and realize the numerous benefits in store for you, including control, cost savings, personalization, skill development, and empowerment.

It may seem daunting at first, but with determination and a willingness to learn, anyone can successfully manage their own IT department. So why not try it and see the positive impact it can have on your personal and professional life?