Welcome to Your Small Business IT Department!

Hello! I’m Tim Lorge. For the past thirty-plus years, I’ve helped organizations of all sizes develop, run, maintain, and upgrade their IT systems. These include startups, small, medium, and large businesses, non-profits, and even the public sector.

I’ve built networks from the ground up, run mission-critical systems, designed and implemented upgrade plans, developed websites, written documentation, and developed and performed training seminars. You name it; I’ve done it.

However, lately, I’ve seen many solopreneurs and entrepreneurs working with too many bits and bobs. There’s the free email address here, maybe a disconnected website, a smattering of documents created on one or many disparate websites, stored in a jumbled mess in the cloud somewhere. Oh, and let’s not forget all the apps that are so easy to install and forget.

While all these bits and bobs are tremendously helpful in and of themselves, they quickly add up to become a baffling, incoherent, and perplexing mess!

I didn’t have to look far to see these solopreneurs and entrepreneurs in techno hell! I wonder how much money they are losing.

Does any of this sound familiar?

The real shame is that with just a little time, their IT could be sorted and streamlined, which would, in turn, take their business to the next level.

That, in a nutshell, is why I started Your Small Biz IT Department.

We live in the most amazing time in history. Technology is relatively cheap and easy to acquire, and it is not going away. Technophobia, or, more correctly, techno-ambivalence, is not an option.

The problem is without a plan and proper guidance, you end up with a jumbled mess which causes you to lose money.

My mission here is to help you organize the IT in your business so you can clean up the jumbled mess, get organized, and grow your business faster than you ever thought possible.

So, I invite you to grab a cup of your favorite beverage and dive in!